A Number that defines the line width to use when rendering the body outline (if a sprite is not defined). A value of 0 means no outline will be rendered.
An Object
that defines the sprite properties to use when rendering, if any.
An String
that defines the path to the image to use as the sprite texture, if any.
A Number
that defines the offset in the x-axis for the sprite (normalised by texture width).
A Number
that defines the scaling in the x-axis for the sprite, if any.
A Number
that defines the offset in the y-axis for the sprite (normalised by texture height).
A Number
that defines the scaling in the y-axis for the sprite, if any.
A String that defines the stroke style to use when rendering the body outline (if a sprite is not defined). It is the same as when using a canvas, so it accepts CSS style property values. Default: a random colour
A flag that indicates if the body should be rendered.
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A String that defines the fill style to use when rendering the body (if a sprite is not defined). It is the same as when using a canvas, so it accepts CSS style property values. Default: a random colour